Bokeh Photography-Final Portfolio

For the Bokeh assignment, we were asked to take 3 types of pictures. First, we were asked to achieve a regular bokeh orb effect. This was fairly easy to accomplish, though it was challenging to find a way to make it a little more interesting than just orbs. I placed the lights on a red sweater to give it more color. The second type of picture we were asked to take was to change the shape of the orb of the bokeh effect. This is done by adding an aperture mask to the front of the lens. I did this at home, and so it was difficult to make the mask just right so the shape was captured correctly. The final type of picture we had to take was to have a subject interact with the bokeh in the background. It was fun to experiment with different was bokeh can interact with subjects, but I found it very hard to get the subject in focus. I was using a macro lens to capture the bokeh, and so I had to use manual focus. This made it difficult to get the subject in focus while also keeping the orb effect of bokeh. Overall, each type of bokeh pictures had its own challenge, but this assignment provided me with a better understanding of macro lenses and manual focus.

Bokeh Photography
Aperture: f/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec
ISO: 200
Shot on Nikon D610
Bokeh Photography
Aperture: f/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/40 sec
ISO: 320
Shot on Nikon D610